The 8th Annual Mississippi Top 50 will be held March 12, 2025. Nominations are now open through January 20th.

Lobbying and Government Relations 2022

Mississippi's Top 50 Most Influential

Vivian Dailey’s political involvement makes her one of the most influential people in the state of Mississippi, particularly as it pertains to Republican politics. The retired educator and principal was born in Biloxi and graduated from Pascagoula High School and the University of Southern Mississippi. She went on to lead schools in Texas and Alaska before returning to Mississippi, retired and politically motivated to continue making a difference. 

Dailey as served in all offices including President of Jackson County Republican Women and has served as Mississippi Federation of Republican Women (MFRW) 4th Congressional District Director as well as third, second and first vice presidents of MFRW and in 2018-19 was elected President of MFRW, the largest grassroots political organization for women in the state. While President of MFRW Vivian traveled over 32,000 miles on Federation business, she chaired the NFRW Nominating Committee for the selection of officers for 2020-21, installed officers throughout the state of MS, and chartered 10 new MFRW clubs.

Dailey has become a staple in Mississippi Republican Party campaigns and policy discussions.  She has worked on several pieces of legislation at the local and state level, including supporting awareness of human trafficking and equal pay for equal work in Mississippi.  She co-founded the Mississippi Girls Health Initiative and in cooperation with the Governor’s Healthy Teens for a Better Mississippi she worked on legislation aimed at reducing unwanted teen pregnancies in the state. Dailey is a member of the Mississippi Commission on the Status of Women, and volunteers on many political campaigns, including each of Congressman Steven Palazzo’s campaigns, Senator Thad Cochran, Cindy Hyde-Smith, and Roger Wicker campaigns. She worked for every Republican Presidential Candidate since 1966.