Mississippi's Top 50 Most Influential
None carry a bigger stick at the Capitol among Democrats in terms of education policy, and even among some Republicans, than Nancy Loome.
As co-founder and executive director of The Parents’ Campaign and president of The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund Loome whips legislators into shape and brings voices along with her to help pass or kill legislation her group targets. Her influence is felt most within the Legislature’s Education Committees where she advocates for adequate funding, fends off school privatization efforts, and champions legislation to improve and expand access to early childhood education.
Nancy has been widely recognized for her leadership and advocacy in education, including awards from the Mississippi Association of Educators, the Mississippi School Boards Association, the Mississippi Association of School Administrators, the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents, and the Mississippi Parent-Teacher Association. As a parent of three, she spent many years volunteering in classrooms, PTOs, and booster organizations, and was a school, district, and statewide Parent of the Year.
Mississippi Top 50 is an annual list of the people who are judged to be the most influential leaders in the state. This bipartisan selection of leaders comes from the ranks of elected and appointed officials, economic development professionals, business, media and government affairs. The awards are sponsored by Entergy Mississippi, Atmos Energy, Mississippi Farm Bureau, Capitol Resources, Tower Loan and The Payne Group and awardees were nominated through an open process. Follow MSTop50 on Twitter @MSTop50 or on Facebook to keep up with news and updates about MSTop50 winners and events.