Mississippi's Top 50 Most Influential
Few people roam the halls of the State Capitol with the sort of policy influence that Beth Clay has. She founded The Clay Firm which specializes in Mississippi-focused legislative, government relations and public affairs consulting, providing a full range of services – from direct lobbying to public policy and grassroots advocacy to contract procurement support at both the state and local levels.
Some of Clay’s clients include the Mississippi Health Care Association, Mississippi Industries for the Blind, Mississippi Museum of Art, Mississippi Power Company, and Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants. She also serves dozens of corporate clients like 3M, Community Health Systems, AT&T, Anheuser-Busch, the Motion Picture Asssociation of America, GlaxoSmithKline, and Pfizer.
In addition to her efforts under the Capitol Dome, she’s involved in a variety of community pursuits including serving on the Boards of the Stennis Institute of Government, the Eudora Welty Foundation, Hope Village, MSU Foundation, and Mississippi College.
Mississippi Top 50 is an annual list of the people who are judged to be the most influential leaders in the state. This bipartisan selection of leaders comes from the ranks of elected and appointed officials, economic development professionals, business, media and government affairs. The awards are sponsored by Entergy Mississippi and Mississippi Farm Bureau and awardees were nominated through an open process. Follow MSTop50 on Twitter @MSTop50 or on Facebook to keep up with news and updates about MSTop50 winners and events.