The 8th Annual Mississippi Top 50 will be held March 12, 2025. Nominations are now open through January 20th.

Lobbying and Government Relations

Mississippi’s Top 50 Most Influential


Morgan Baldwin has enjoyed an enormous amount of success working with political candidates and officeholders at just about every level.

Based in Tupelo, he started out his journey in Mississippi politics advising Eddie Briggs in his successful bid for Lt. Governor in 1992.  Since then, he’s advised dozens of clients at Baldwin & Associates on everything from fundraising to paid media to GOTV.

In recent years, Baldwin ran then-State Senator Alan Nunnelee’s campaign for the United States House of Representative in 2010, 2012 and 2014. With the untimely death of Congressman Nunnelee, Baldwin signed on to run Trent Kelly’s successful campaign to fill the open seat defeating 12 other candidates. Some of Baldwin’s clients include: Treasurer Lynn Fitch, Chief Justice Bill Waller, Commissioner Cindy Hyde Smith and Alabama Civil Court of Appeals Chief Judge Bill Thompson.