Mississippi's Top 50 Most Influential
State Representative Scott Bounds is likely best known as the man behind the Neshoba County Fair. He serves as President of the Neshoba County Fair and is the Program Committee Chair of the same. He is the gatekeeper for Mississippi’s Giant House Party.
Bounds has served in the Mississippi House since 2003. He is the influential Chairman of the Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen Caucus. The Caucus is comprised of House and Senate members who strive to protect our rights to keep and bear arms and to protect and preserve our hunting and fishing rights through legislative policies. The Caucus is the largest bi-partisan caucus in the Mississippi Legislature. Bounds is also one of 13 individuals nationally to serve on the Executive Council of the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucus (NASC).
Bounds currently Chairs the House Public Utilities Committee and is a member of the committees on Appropriations, Joint Legislative Budget, House Management, Investigate State Offices, Universities and Colleges and Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks. Rep. Bounds previously served as Chair of the Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Committee for 8 years.
Mississippi Top 50 is an annual list of the people who are judged to be the most influential leaders in the state. This bipartisan selection of leaders comes from the ranks of elected and appointed officials, economic development professionals, business, media and government affairs. The awards are presented by Y'all Politics and WJTV, and sponsored by Kinetic Staffing, Mississippi Farm Bureau, Capitol Resources, Tower Loan and The Payne Group. Awardees were nominated through an open process. Follow MSTop50 on Twitter @MSTop50 or on Facebook to keep up with news and updates about MSTop50 winners and events.